Mass. Mac & Electricª *********************************************************** Welcome to the MME-XPress - Vol1., No.1 - November 15, 1986 *********************************************************** We're pleased you took the time to download the XPress. If you'd like a hard-copy of the MME-XPress, send $2.50 to cover postage and handling to: MME-XPress c/o Barr Plexico 373 Main St. Saugus, MA 01906 Please allow two weeks for delivery. The MME-XPress will be sent to you via U.S. Mail quarterly if you become a subscriber to MME. MME is New England's Premier Macintosh-dedicated BBS. With nearly 1000 registered users and over 100 subscribers, MME is a "meeting place" and a "community of users," all dedicated to enhancing your productivity on and enjoyment of the Macintosh. MME is currently operating on two nodes, one "subscriber-only" and one public access node. Subscribers have full access to both nodes, and 1 hour of daily system time. There are no "on-line" charges. Non-subscribers have 40 minutes daily on-line time, and can access the system only on the public access node. To become a subscriber to MME for one year, send your check for $15 to: MME - Subscriptions c/o Barr Plexico 373 Main St. Saugus, MA 01906 Please feel free to call the system and give it a try before you decide to subscribe. MME - (617) 231-2872 300-1200-2400,N,8,1,Full Hope you'll join us! ___________________________________________________________ Mass. Mac & Electricª - "For the Mac in Everyone of Us" ___________________________________________________________